When I was a little girl, my very best friend in our neighborhood in Reseda, California, was a boy I will call Mike. We were buddies for years. It’s been a little shy of six decades since I’ve had regular contact with him. The old neighborhood crowd did pick up some connections via Facebook, though, so we were on each other’s friends lists. Occasionally there would be a post about someone from the old days, or a new grandchild, or something very beautiful, or other life happenings, and we’d do a little like or comment. But then came Trump. And I found this today.
Wow Stacy, when did you become so hateful and blinded? Did you really prefer the Marxist direction of our out of touch outgoing administration?
For context, I had posted a photo last week of the orange beast and what I viewed as a singularly apt statement by one Anthony Citrano: “It’s almost impossible to believe he exists. It’s as if we took everything that was bad about America, scraped it up off the floor, wrapped it all up in an old hot dog skin, and then taught it to make noises with its face.”
I can see why that could be viewed as provocative.
So, here is my response to Mike:
Hi, Mike. It is a hard time, and a sad time for many of us. I’m remembering the good old days when we were kids on Sylvia Avenue. I value those precious memories and I’m so grateful for our friendship.
Most of the dads on the block were WWII veterans, some of whom risked their lives to “make the world safe for democracy,” as people said back then. Back in those times every so often there’d be a conversation along the lines of “What would you have done if you’d been in Germany at the time of the Nazis?” and we would all imagine being heroes.
I agree with Vice President-elect J.D. Vance when he said that Trump is America’s Hitler (which of course he since recanted). Mocking authoritarian dictators was quite okay for the Greatest Generation. It made them seem smaller, less formidable. You probably remember “Der Fuehrer’s Face” —
and other songs, cartoons and movies of the 40s. I get it, you probably dislike my equating the returning President with Hitler. But he admires and quotes Hitler and he and his team are constantly throwing out dog whistles that show this to fans in the know, e.g. Elon Musk’s MAGA hat in the same Fraktur font the Nazis used. (Ha, Elon’s responses to winning the election included N.W.O., as in New Word Order, which is part of one of the lyrics of this very song. )And, taking after Hitler, Trump advocates violence, turns Americans against each other and vilifies minorities.
What would those WWII guys think of our handing the United States of America over to a gang of fascists? I’m glad they’re not around to see it.
I didn’t see us heading in a Marxist direction. I saw us heading into a more union-friendly, growing middle class, more manufacturing jobs direction. After having been caregiver for each of my parents, I thought social welfare ideas like having Medicare cover home help were great! Aging Boomers are a looming crisis…But now…
Trump said he did not know anything about Project 2025, but now that he’s elected, that lie is over. I read a lot of the far right’s Project 2025 plan, as much as I could take. If even a quarter of it is enacted, it will be the darkest time ever in the United States.
Anyway, I could go on and on but just wanted to answer your question.
I really hope now that I am wrong. I’ve been wrong in the past. I guess we’ll see. All the best to you,